

United States

How many years ago did you started playing techno?

I felt attracted to electronic music six years ago and I trained as a professional three years ago.

Why did you choose to be a Techno DJ?

I feel that techno has a seriousness and darkness that characterizes me. When I started mixing minimal some event producers asked me if I could play tech house for example and I never did because I didn’t feel the connection that techno generates in me, I respect all genres and every day based on my presentations or production classes I affirm that acid melodies and marked kicks are my thing.

What musical lines do you prefer to play?

I consider myself versatile within the subgenres that techno encompasses. From minimal to hard/industrial. Lately I find myself a lot in my presentations with the neorave style.

What do you hope for the future of the music scene?

The electronic scene has always been characterized as an environment of respect and care, I hope that these values can be maintained over time and enacted from the most underground events to the massive ones. I would also like to see more space given to emerging artists and not always the same ones at the booths. The space for women in the scene has grown a lot in the last time and I hope this continues, with respect and dedication we can all collaborate to make the scene a better place, not only as producers and artists, but also as ravers.

Who is your favorite DJ or reference inspiration?

I love Amelie Lens, I also like Lilly Palmer’s style and Ellen Allien’s energy. Seeing women at the booths and knowing that they are there for their work and dedication motivates me a lot.

Do you have a favorite track?

My favorite tracks of the moment are:

ANSBRO - Bamboleo

El columpio asesino - Toro (I HATE MODELS remix)

If you want to add something else, what would it be?

I would like to thank Fusion Agency for this space and also to all the people who always support me by listening, sharing my music, going to the shows where I perform or with messages of affection, they are a great push to keep growing in what I love.