

United States

How many years ago did you started playing techno?

Approximately 5 years ago, but it’s been more that I feel connected to electronic music. Without being a producer or DJ I was lucky to listen to many artists in my life.


Why did you choose to be a Techno DJ?

Because it connects me with my essence, with the best version of myself and because of the connection that creates with the public. It is a musical genre without borders and that manages to make even those who say that they don’t know how to dance to be able to dance. Techno for me is the best way to self-regulate emotionally.

What musical lines do you prefer to play?

I have a love for the melodic without any doubt. But I think it’s circumstantial. Progressive house to connect with emotions, Melodic Techno to connect with the body and Techno to connect with your purest essence.

Who is your favorite DJ or reference inspiration?

I think that would be Kölsch, I always felt identified with the way that he has to tell a story and also how he can take you from calm to intense with a blink of an eye.


What do you hope for the future of the music scene?

To keep existing forever because without it I can’t see a world with meaning.

It’s what moves us, what motivate us and give us hope.

Do you have a favorite track?

That’s a pretty good question and the answer is no, I can’t limit myself to only one,

but if we speak about techno, I would say Hidden Beauties from ANNA.

If you want to add something else, what would it be?

I wish to everyone to follow they heart and dreams, that the past only removes wounds and the future expectations, the real place in which changes occurs are in the present. Do what you need to do, breath and live in presence, it’s the only way to create inspirational things. And for those who hasn’t lived the experience of techno yet, do it, it is a one-way trip.